I’m Michael Knight with The Knight Rider GPS by Mio


I never said I wasn’t a big dork. After all, I’d have to be one to purchase a nearly $300 dollar Knight Rider Portable GPS for my car in order to pretend that I’m driving around like Michael Knight in KITT. I was excited to see the FedEx girl on Saturday afternoon. Not for the obvious reasons, but because she had my Knight Rider GPS by Mio.

I can’t find many flaws with the Knight Rider GPS. I have it set to a personalized greeting “Hello Jay, where would you like to go today?” delivered in the original KITT voice of William Daniels! So far the directions have been accurate although I haven’t had an opportunity to use it while driving somewhere that I’ve never been to before. That’s the real test that will determine if it’s worth the money. A feature that comes in handy aside from directions is that it highlights any restaurants, gas stations, and other points of interest. I’m a GPS novice so I’m still fairly enthusiastic about the product, but I know before long I’ll probably want to throw it out the window while I’m doing 70 mph down the smelly New Jersey Turnpike.


The GPS module is small, sleek, and lightweight. The red KITT flashing lights pulse when William Daniels is directing you on where to turn. You won’t need to buy any accessories either! It comes fully equipped with a touchscreen, mounting system, rechargeable battery, lighter adapter, and USB cable.

The only minor annoyance is the many warning screens you receive, but I’d imagine that’s the same on other GPS systems. The GPS will tell you constantly that you may encounter toll roads on your route even if you know for a fact that you won’t drive on any! It’ll also warn you not to interface with the GPS while driving. BOO! With all the stuff I see people doing while driving such as reading books, doing their makeup, and trying to dial their cell phones, touching a screen in front of you doesn’t seem like such a crime. Isn’t this device helping me fight crime? By having it tell me not to use it while driving might interfere with me nabbing a criminal mastermind.

I do recommend the Knight Rider GPS especially if you were a fan of the original Knight Rider TV show. This is a pretty amazing and functional collectible. Check out the video and review courtesy of Knight Rider Online:

Then check out the official Mio site for the GPS here:

The premiere of the new Knight Rider series airs tonight on NBC but it’s also featured online if you can’t wait!

Well isn’t that just f—ing Comcastic!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to connect a friggin‘ cable box. Why is that when you want to get a brand new cable subscription they want a cable guy to come to your house and hook it up for you? The installation charges, $9.95, were minimal and didn’t bother me. What I find ridiculous is that they shouldn’t make it mandatory that someone comes to your home. It should be a service that’s offered if you’re a total doofus when it comes to anything even remotely technical. I thought they had self install kits but after asking about it, they claim they only offer that for High Speed Internet and not cable.
When you schedule the cable guy to come to your home they’re nice enough to give you a window of time that he’s supposed to come. That estimate is about as accurate as saying “Well sir, he possibly might come at some point during the day.” “He’ll be there between 1 and 3 PM” said the woman on the other end of the phone at Comcast. As the time neared 2:30 I was on the phone in no time asking where this motherf’er is. I had to be in my condo at 1 and stay until 3, and when it was 3 he was nowhere to be found. I get a call at around 3:30 from the cable guy who will be coming. He’s completely lost and he barely speaks English. I gathered from my keen observation skills that he was asking me to help him get to my condo so I needed to stay on the phone. Well wasn’t he a little lost, pushy bastard! There I was waiting in the empty condo trying to explain to this guy who had marbles in his mouth how to get to my condo from a neighboring town less than 2 miles away. As I clearly explained what route to take he still asked me to stay on the phone with him. Shouldn’t DIRECTIONS be something that these guys leave their building with? Perhaps a brain might come in handy as well. How are these guys going to get their jobs done without a Mapquest printout or a freakin‘ GPS system in their truck? What if they send Fedex guys out to drop off packages without giving them the addresses of the places they need to go?
The guy finally gets to the condo at 4:30 pm and obviously goes to the wrong building as I stand in my window and throw my forehead into my hand in disgust. I call him to tell him he’s going into the wrong building. (Numbers are blatantly marked on the windows of the building lobbies.) Once he comes in he hands me the cable box and asks ME if I knew how to hook it up! I felt like telling him, we could have avoided this mess if they would have just let me do it on my own. That’s why I asked if I could do it on my own to begin with. After he basically asked if I could do his job for him and still pay Comcast $9.95, I began hooking it up in mere seconds while he went outside to make sure the switch to my unit was turned on. When he came back he asked me if I had a drink for him. I said “Sure what would you like, I have soda, water, iced tea?”” He asked if I had Sprite. Well aren’t we picky now! He should have been thankful that I was so agreeable with his request. I said “I have Mountain Dew.” He said he wanted that and he gulped it down like his body depended on this dew to keep him alive. What’s wrong with these guys? They have no drinks for them either? A vending machine? Once he started on the internet he had to call in my mac address because I have my own modem. His call on his cell phone kept dropping and he had to keep calling back in. (He called back in 3 times because every time he read the mac address she couldn’t hear it.)
And the moral of the story: I was impatient. If I had waited just a few days after this fiasco I saw a Comcast commercial on TV advertising their latest promotion: Cable self install kits. FUUUCK!