Purple Stuff Podcast Episode 34: Not Your Average Scares II



The Purple Stuff Podcast returns with more audible Halloween goodness!

In this episode, we continue with a theme that we had fun with on a previous episode, Not Your Average Scares! These are things that might freak you out, but it’s not necessarily something blatantly or traditionally scary. This is not us stating “Michael Myers scared us a kids,” no way, these are the types of things that you may not even remember creeping you out, but at one point they did, and they may even still creep you out today.

We came up with a whole new set of these offbeat scares and you’ll probably be able to relate to a good amount of them. Included in this episode: scary drug PSAs, a whacked out music video, a creepy ass doll, and a scary Snow White book. All that and we also taste test the Garlic Doritos from Japan! Please join us and feel free to drop any of your offbeat scares in the comments!

Thank you for listening and sharing the podcast, it’s very much appreciated!

Purple Stuff Podcast Episode 14: Snacks We Want Back!



Now that the Halloween Season is over for most, (I refuse to accept that) we are back to bring you another nostalgic podcast this week! Unfortunately, there are no ghosts and goblins to be discussed this week, but to ease the pain, we have some old chips, soda, and ice cream for you as we talk about Snacks That We Want Back!
Yes, Matt from Dinosaur Dracula and I have switched gears into a territory that we both know a lot about: OLD SNACKS. I can’t describe to you how much time I’ve spent in my life pining over discontinued junk food, so this show allows us to discuss some of those that have had me desperately dreaming their comeback for many years. And you sure as hell already know that Matt has spent the majority of his life curating old junk food so this is quite a discussion as you can imagine. We talk about the how the country fell in completely in love with Potato Skins which lead to them being turned into their own chips, Ghostbusters getting it’s own ice cream tie-in, and a certain beloved clear soda that might actually be making a comeback. It’s a kick-ass show that will jog your memory into looking back on some of the crap that you ingested while fermenting on your couch watching TV as a kid.

What are some of your favorite snacks from when you were a kid that aren’t around anymore? Let us know in the comments!

If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast, you can do so at iTunes, Podbean, and Stitcher! If you dig what you hear, please leave some positive feedback for us on iTunes! Thanks for listening and supporting the show! Stay tuned for more here at the Sexy Armpit very soon as I slowly get my ass back into gear!